



Welcome to 海湾州立公园, a haven of diverse ecosystems with a unique relationship with fire! 我们的公园是依赖火的栖息地, where regular fires play a crucial role in fostering regeneration and biodiversity. 和我们一起探索这些栖息地是如何使植物和动物受益的, and the vital role fire management plays in preserving the park's ecological balance.




你知道火对人和土地都有好处吗? 在多年将火从某些生态系统中排除之后, 自然平衡会被破坏, 导致不健康的状况. 拥挤的树, 正在消失的依赖火的物种, 可燃燃料的积累成为危险问题. But fear not, because the right fire at the right place and time can work wonders:










这里是海湾州立公园, we partner with 阿拉巴马州林业委员会 to responsibly manage prescribed fires and even certain wildfires to benefit our natural resources and mitigate the risk of unwanted wildfires in the future. 另外, 我们用手工工具和机器仔细地削去杂草丛生的地方, 为最终的火力反击做准备.


让我们拥抱火的积极力量吧, working hand in hand with nature to maintain a healthy and sustainable environment for generations to come.




在海湾州立公园探索依赖火的栖息地的迷人世界! These unique ecosystems have a long history of regular fires that play a vital role in promoting regeneration, 增长, 生物多样性的维护.


规定的火灾以许多不可思议的方式有益于我们宝贵的生态系统! 让我们仔细看看:



? Seed Germination: Some plant seeds require the gentle heat of fires to crack open and sprout, 确保他们的成长和活力.


? 养分循环:火灾将必需的养分释放到土壤中, 滋养植物,促进其生长和肥力.


? 减少竞争:大火清除了茂密的植被, 创造空间,减少植物间对资源的竞争.


? Encouraging Diversity: Fires lead to a diverse and vibrant plant community as different species respond uniquely to the rejuvenating flames.



? 增强的觅食能力:火可以创造新的植被和新芽, 为我们珍爱的食草动物提供了丰富的食物资源.


? New Habitat Creation: Post-fire landscapes offer unique habitats and cozy shelters for various animals to thrive.


? Biodiversity Boost: The mosaic of habitats after fires attracts a wide range of animal species, 支持一个多样化和充满活力的野生动物群落.


? 控制入侵物种:火是自然守护者, 阻止外来植物入侵,让本土物种繁荣发展.


These fire-dependent habitats contribute to the health and resilience of our ecosystems, 孕育着丰富多彩的生活. 但负责任地管理火灾是至关重要的, 在自然过程和人类需求之间找到微妙的平衡.


Join us in celebrating these marvelous habitats and working together to protect and preserve their incredible beauty and biodiversity.






在海湾州立公园, we've been putting in months of hard work to get ready for the much-anticipated prescribed burn. You might have noticed some changes around the edges of the boardwalks and trails, 我们很高兴与大家分享我们的努力!


加强防火带: One of our top priorities has been improving the firebreaks to assist the 阿拉巴马州林业委员会 in their mission to safely burn 600 acres of swampy grassland.




A firebreak is a carefully designed gap or area in vegetation or flammable materials that serves as a powerful barrier against the spread of wildfires. It's a critical tool we use in fire management to control and contain fires by breaking the fuel continuity.


通过移除或减少这些断裂处的植被, we influence the fire's ability to advance outside of the area we want to burn. 这使我们英勇的护林员在保护我们的社区方面占上风, 基础设施, 珍贵的自然资源.


作为预防野火的斗士, 抑制, 和管理, firebreaks play a pivotal role in our strategies to keep the environment and everyone safe.


Let's take a moment to appreciate the hard work of our maintenance crew and the significance of these firebreaks in preserving the beauty and balance of our beloved 海湾州立公园.





来保护我们美丽的木板路, our dedicated maintenance team has employed an incredible tool called the Marsh Master. This amazing machine allows us to carefully cut back the plants that grow in the water, 正对着木板路. 通过这样做, 我们建立了一个保护区域, 确保火势保持在安全距离,不造成任何损害.



海湾州立公园 is proud to be an outdoor laboratory in collaboration with the University of Alabama in Huntsville Earth System Science Center and Dept. 大气与地球科学, 阿拉巴马州林业委员会, and our esteemed partner Lee Ellenburg (Research Engineer and Associate State Climatologist ) and Nick Perlaky (Student Research Specialist). 在一起, we're embarking on a journey to understand fire ecology and its impact on the surrounding vegetation and ecosystem.


Lee and Nick have ingeniously developed and installed 5 cutting-edge soil sensors in different ecosystems across the park. These sensors are providing us with invaluable insights into the dynamics of water consumption by plants and how it influences the overall ecosystem.


伊桑•巴雷特, 我们阿拉巴马州林业委员会的火灾分析师, is eagerly exploring the potential of these sensors to predict early warnings of vegetative stresses that may heighten the wildfire threat. 有了这些有价值的信息, 他可以鼓励及时限制公园内的火灾使用, 有效预防野火,守护自然瑰宝.


我们非常感谢我们的合作伙伴, whose dedication and expertise are helping us manage our resources sustainably for the benefit of future generations. 我们可以共同创造一个更安全、更有弹性的海湾州立公园!




我们想澄清事实! 在海湾州立公园燃烧其实不需要两周时间. 在现实中,我们所需要的只是一个完美的一天和合适的火灾天气.


Here's the scoop: A prescribed fire is a highly planned event where our expert fire managers strategize around specific weather and wind conditions to ensure the fire behaves just as we want it to. Our meticulous planning over the past year allows us to pinpoint that perfect day when all factors align in our favor.


那为什么我们还有两周的时间? 它很简单! Our planning grants us ample opportunities to wait for that ideal weather condition. 在合适的条件下, 我们可以安全有效地执行规定的燃烧, 有利于我们公园的健康和生物多样性.


请放心, our team is committed to ensuring a successful burn while prioritizing safety and environmental well-being. Thank you for supporting our efforts to keep 海湾州立公园 thriving for generations to come!


海湾州立公园 invites you to celebrate and protect these remarkable ecosystems. Our commitment to sustainability and conservation enables future generations to experience the beauty and biodiversity these habitats offer. 加入我们,在未来的岁月里保护这一自然宝藏, as we embrace the flames that nurture life and resilience within our beloved 海湾州立公园.