


We underst和 that with today's traveling expenses the difference in taking a vacation or staying home could be taking your dog, 狗狗寄宿, or finding someone to take care of this member of your family. We hope the following information will help your family better enjoy Alabama State 公园. Dogs assisting the disabled are welcome in all facilities at no additional charge (with proper disability assistance information).


Alabama State 公园 recently implemented a series of improvements aimed at providing visitors with more enjoyable experiences. The exp和ed dog-friendly accommodations are in response to public interest in more pet-friendly options. To ensure your visit with us is fun for the whole family please check with the park you plan to visit for park specific information on dogs. 除了所有露营地都允许带狗, 以下公园设有额外的狗狗友好小屋:



  • Pets may not be left unattended while visiting or staying at an Alabama State Park.
  • 狗不允许进入非狗友好的小屋. 请预订狗狗友好小屋. The clerk must be notified upon check in of the number of dogs staying. 
  • Guest must have current credit card on file to serve as deposit on any damages – guest will be notified if any damages occur.
  • Park management reserves the right to prohibit any dog on premises. 任何令人生畏的狗, 具有破坏性的, 危险的, 否则吵闹的人将不允许留在公园里. If evicted, the dog owner will be responsible for the full amount of the reservation.
  • Dogs are permitted in designated day use areas 和 dog friendly facilities if on a leash 和 attended at all times (dogs may not be left unattended at any time in the cabin unless in pet carrier or crated). Dogs are not allowed in any other building, at the beach or swimming pool.
  • Dog owners are required to clean up after pets 和 are responsible for their actions.
  • Dogs must be current with all vaccinations 和 have tags or documentation.
  • 狗主人要对所有的损失负责. 损坏或完全清洁可能需要额外收费.
  • Maintenance or staff will not enter cabin unless dog is leashed or confined.
  • 每个小屋或小木屋外都设有木桩. This will enable your dog to be tied down while outside with the family.
  • Other policies may be applicable depending upon Park amenities.



  • Are dogs allowed in 小屋, cottages, chalets, hotel rooms or group lodges? Only in the "Dog Friendly" 小屋 or chalets (unless dog is assisting the disabled). These dog friendly 小屋 or chalets have been selected to ensure your visit with your dog will be comfortable for all. 不提供狗舍. Management will terminate the dog owner’s stay if found in violation of this rule. 业主将不退还任何部分的住宿费用. 退房时将强制收取清洁费.
  • 你们每只狗收费吗? 是的, 在小屋里, 小屋, 对狗狗友好的小木屋和小屋, $30 per night (海湾州立公园 requires a $150 non-refundable deposit). Please request this rate when making reservations 和 report the number of dogs when checking in. Owners not reporting dogs will be charge the fee 和 this amount will be collected at check out. The fee is charged if the dog visits for the day or stays overnight.
  • 野营地允许带狗吗? 是的. 狗可以和主人一起进入帐篷/露营车. 狗主人必须清理狗的粪便. Dogs may not be left unattended at any time 和 must be on a 6-foot leash or in a crate. The guest is responsible for any damage caused by dog 和 may also be asked to leave if dog disturbs other guests. The owner will not be refunded for any part of their reservation. Guest is responsible for ensuring their dog has the most current vaccinations. 客人可能被要求出示疫苗接种证明.
  • Are dogs allowed in Country store, restaurants, or any food service areas? No.
  • 狗可以进入澡堂、游泳池或游泳区吗? No.
  • 狗可以在小径上行走吗? 是的, in most parks as long as you keep your dog with you 和 on a leash. Please check with each park for specific information as bike 和 horseback riding trails may not allow dogs for safety reasons.
  • 我的狗可以坐在我的卡车后面吗, top of my car or be left in my car or tied to railing or tree unattended or without a leash? No. Dogs must be in a secure riding area 和 the owner must be near the dog at all times. Dogs left unattended for more than 30 minutes (or in a hot vehicle) may be confiscated by park staff 和 turned over to proper authorities.
  • If my dog disturbs other guests or presents a risk to other guests what will happen? Park management has the right request any dog 和 owner to leave.



  • 永远不要把你的宠物留在停着的车里, RV, or camper; even if the windows are open or if you are parked in the shade. It takes only minutes for a pet left in a vehicle on a warm day to succumb to heatstroke 和 suffocation.
  • 一定要让你的宠物保持凉爽. Alabama weather varies year-round, but can always include high temperatures, even in the winter.
  • 一定要确保有足够的水, 尤其是当你带着宠物离开营地的时候.
  • 即使外面的气温只有60华氏度, temperatures inside some vehicles can reach 危险的 temperatures on bright, 阳光明媚的日子. So many experts recommend not leaving pets in parked cars even for short periods if the temperature is in the 60s or higher.
  • 为你的宠物准备一个急救箱.  有用的物品包括自粘绷带, 纱布, 胶带, 剪刀, 镊子用来去除虱子和刺, 宠物安全防晒霜, 和 Benadryl containing diphenhydramine only for allergic reactions to insect bites 和 stings.
  • 如果你发现中暑的迹象, 把狗带到阴凉处去, 去有空调的地方或者去看兽医. 毫不犹豫地寻求医疗救助.
  • 中暑的症状包括坐立不安, 过度的渴望, 沉重的喘气, 嗜睡, 黑暗的舌头, 快速脉冲, 发热, 呕吐, 呆滞的目光, 头晕, 或者缺乏协调.
  • 降低体温, 逐渐给动物水喝, 在头部放一条冷毛巾或冰袋, 脖子, 和胸部, 和/或将狗狗浸入冷水中.
  • 确保你的宠物项圈上有最新的标签, consider a temporary tag that lists your campsite number 和 contact information.
  • Have your veterinarian’s contact information readily available in case of emergency.